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    • 发布人:clcfone

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    请以“my friend”为题,写一篇作文,词数70左右,文章要包括以下几点:
    基本情况 Millie, 12岁,英国人,短发,大眼睛,是阳光中学(Sunshine Middle School)七年级一班学生。
    学习情况 最喜爱的学科是数学,经常帮助同学学习。
    生活方式 经常吃汉堡、鸡肉和巧克力,很少吃蔬菜。她在两顿饭之间吃甜食,很少运动。她需要改变生活方式了。
    兴趣爱好 喜欢打排球,听音乐,是读书俱乐部的一员。最喜欢的节日是万圣节,因为她喜欢捉弄她的朋友们。

    My friend

    My friend
    My friend is Millie. She is 12 years old. She is English. She has a big eyes with short hair. She studies in Sunshine Middle School. She is in Class 1,Grade7.Her favourite subject is math. She often helps others to study. She often eats hamburgers, chicken and chocolates. She seldom eats vegetables. She eats sweets between two meals. She seldom does sports. She needs to change her life. She likes playing volleyball. She thinks that listening to music makes her relaxed. She is a member in the reading club. Her favourite holiday is Hallowmas because she likes playing tricks on her friends.


    写作亮点:短文用了一些短语和句式,如:She needs to change her life.She likes playing volleyball. She thinks that listening to music makes her relaxed. She is a member in the reading club.用了连词because和that引导的从句,增加了文章的亮点。

  • 2020-09-26
